Quartier Sucré is the result of an incredible team of individuals looking to "sweeten up" offices around the city, raise awareness about the incredibly diversity of bake shops around Montreal and raise money for a good cause all at the same time. When ezduzit was first aproached to lead the Creative Direction for Quartier Sucré, I knew this was going to be a fun project to work on. We decided to use a softer, friendlier approach to the look and feel, emphasizing rounder corners and light, pastel colors. Once we had agreed upon the logo, a full style guide was created to help keep the branding and messaging clear across all mediums. Prints, stickers, labels, stamps...the entire Brand was developed so we could approach potential customers with a professional face. Finally the website was designed and developed to help draw in new users and new bakeries. Overall, this project has been deliciously sweet.
Branding, Packaging, Print
Creative Direction & Web Design